Mengapa Pahat Ekor Ikan Sangat Cocok untuk Ukiran Huruf dan Ukiran Relief

Beranda » Berita Terbaru » Why are Fishtail Gouges Great for Letter Carving and Relief Carving

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Oleh Jim Hingst 

Fishtail chisels and fishtail gouges feature a straight narrow shank or shaft that flares out into
the fan shape of a fish’s tail. The advantage of the fishtail profile is that its
flared outer edges allow the carver to negotiate the gouge blade into tight
spaces. By comparison, the shape and bulk of a straight gouge may not allow the carver
to get into these spaces. The sharp point on the corner of the fan shape makes a fishtail gouge very useful in cutting
away excess wood inside corners and when undercutting.

straight gouges and fishtail gouges are useful wood carving tools. Neither type of gouge is a substitute for the other. A straight
gouge possesses the heft necessary to withstand a beating when roughing out a design. After the
project is roughed out, a fishtail gouge is often desired for detail work.

sign carving, fishtail gouges with a flatter sweep are often preferred for
carving incised letters. The downside, if there is any, of a fishtail gouge is that over many years, as the blade is sharpened, its width gradually decreases. The fact is that a fishtail chisel or gouge generally loses very little from periodic sharpening and should outlast the life of the carver, if that is a concern.
Sebuah pisau
profile which is similar to the fishtail is the allongee design. What’s
different with the allongee profile is that the blade begins to flare out from
the handle to its ultimate width. (In the above photo note how the blade of the gouge on the right flares out from the handle.) Both fishtail gouges and allongee chisels are
excellent additions to your collection of woodcarving tools.
A respectable first purchase of  fishtail chisels and  gouges for letter caving and ukiran relief  would include:

12 mm fishtail chisel  # 1 sweep
12 mm fishtail gouge #3 sweep
12 mm fishtail gouge #5 sweep
10 mm fishtail gouge #7 sweep

The Pfeil chisels and Pfeil gouges are very popular among woodcarvers. Other popular professional wood carving tools include Dastra, Auriou, Hirsch and Stubai. 


Tentang Jim Hingst: Menandatangani otoritas bisnis pada bungkus kendaraan, grafis vinil, sablon, pemasaran, penjualan, daun emas, ukiran kayu, dan lukisan. 

Setelah Setelah empat belas tahun menjadi Manajer Pengembangan Bisnis di RTape, Jim Hingst pensiun. Ia terlibat dalam banyak aspek bisnis perusahaan, termasuk pemasaran, penjualan, pengembangan produk, dan layanan teknis.

Hingst memulai kariernya 42 tahun lalu di bidang seni grafis dengan membuat dan memproduksi materi iklan dan promosi untuk produsen peralatan uji besar. Bekerja untuk percetakan offset, percetakan layar format besar, produsen film vinil, dan perusahaan pita aplikasi, pengalamannya meliputi estimasi, perencanaan produksi, pembelian dan produksi seni, serta penjualan dan pemasaran. Dalam kapasitasnya sebagai tenaga penjual, Hingst diakui dengan berbagai penghargaan atas prestasi penjualan.

Dengan mengandalkan pengalamannya dalam produksi dan sebagai subkontraktor pemasangan grafis, Hingst memberikan saran praktis kepada industri, dengan menerbitkan lebih dari 150 artikel untuk berbagai publikasi, seperti Signs Canada, SignCraft, Signs of the Times, Screen Printing, Sign and Digital Graphics, dan Sign Builder Illustrated. Ia juga mengunggah lebih dari 500 cerita di blognya ( Pada tahun 2007, buku Hingst, Vinyl Sign Techniques, diterbitkan.  Teknik Tanda Vinyl tersedia di distributor perlengkapan tanda dan di Amazon. 

Hak cipta © Jim Hingst 2018

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