surface, your first chore is to prep the surface. New paint will not stick to
dirt or peeling paint. On large surfaces the quickest way to clean the old wood
painted surface is to pressure wash it. You will need to use a washer that can
generate at least 2500 psi to remove the remove dirt, mold and loose paint. Exercise care when pressure washing. Holding the nozzle too close can damage the wood.
you clean the surface of the wood with detergent or bleach, be sure to rinse it to wash off the residue. After washing, wait
a day for the wood to dry.
The next step is to apply two coats of primer with a
product such as XIM Peel Bond® or Zinsser® Kupas Berhenti®. Both are Rust-Oleum® produk.
XIM Peel Bond Primer/Sealer |
Penetrates into wood for excellent anchorage.
Seals a wide range of construction
Bonds paint to the substrate remaining flexible over the life of the paint.
Helps reduce cracking and peeling.
On a large flat surface a fast way to apply the
primer is with an airless sprayer or roller. On rough or irregular surfaces you may need
to paint the primer with a brush to ensure complete coverage. On really rough
surfaces, you may need a thick coating.
Uji, Jangan Menebak
finish coats of a compatible paint recommended by the manufacturer. To ensure
compatibility between primer and paint it is always best to “Test, Don’t Guess”.
Apply a small spot of primer and paint to the substrate and test for good
adhesion. After the paint has dried for at least a day, try to scrape it off with your thumb nail. If you are repainting a surface, XIM Peel Bond may not adhere to an
cat berbahan dasar minyak.
than wood and plywood, XIM Peel Bond is often a good choice for porous surfaces
such as stucco, brick, concrete, hardboard (Masonite), as well as for aluminum
and galvanized metal. Zinsser Peel Stop is often used on surfaces which exhibit cracking or chalking.
Rust-Oleum Zinsser Peel Stop |
About XIM UMA Primer Sealer
XIM UMA Bonder dan Primer/Sealer |
primers have been popular among experienced sign painters. In addition to
primers for porous surfaces, Rust-Oleum also manufactures XIM UMA primer sealer
for non-porous surfaces, which can be difficult to stick to. UMA is a perfect
sealer for bonding top coats to porcelain, ceramic, Formica, fiberglass, aluminum
and galvanized steel. Veteran sign painter, Joe Balabuszko, told me that in
years past the old sign painters would use XIM UMA to prime the porcelain signs
that they were repainting.
Cara Membersihkan Kuas yang Digunakan untuk Cat Berbasis Air
Persiapan yang Tepat Sebelum Mengecat Ulang Dinding
Melapisi Proyek Pengerjaan Kayu dengan Resin Epoksi
Kepraktisan Mengecat Ulang Papan Tanda Akrilik Lama
Media dan Aditif Akrilik
Glasir Akrilik
Tips Penyelesaian
Memadukan Warna
Membuat Cat Minyak
Zinsser Bulls Eye 1-2-3 Primer
Media untuk Lukisan Cat Minyak
Pembersihan Cat Lebih Cepat dan Mudah
Kondisioner Cat Penetrol
Nuansa Hitam
Resep Cat Warna Daging
Cat Minyak Timbal Putih
Bekerja dengan Aman Menggunakan Bubuk Pigmen
Kapan Harus Mengencerkan Cat dengan Naphtha
Resep Pelapis Damar
Aturan Gemuk Lebih Baik daripada Kurus
Mengaplikasikan Varnish Penghapus pada Ukiran Anda
Pelarut Penting untuk Pelukis Tanda
Resep Gesso Tradisional untuk Pelukis Enkaustik
Melukis dengan Guas
Resin epoksi
Kiat-kiat Bondo
Pasta Perata untuk Cat Enamel
Terminologi Kimia Cat
Menggaruk Permukaan dengan Bantalan Gores Scotch-Brite Abu-abu
About Vinyl Sign Techniques by Jim Hingst
Here is a comprehensive guide to the vinyl sign and graphics business. Compiled from 54 Vinyl Graphics columns in Tanda-tanda Times, edited, updated and condensed here into 39 chapters, Teknik Tanda Vinyl is an essential resource. The book is divided into four sections: sales & marketing, materials, fabrication, and vinyl application & removal. Every important aspect to running an efficient and profitable vinyl sign business is covered in detail, often including valuable charts, tables and photos for reference.