Beberapa waktu lalu ( di sini, di sini dan di sini ) Saya memposting tentang Filter Kalman dan baru-baru ini saya telah melihat filter Kalman lagi karena ini Tren Tanpa Hambatan makalah yang dihosting di SSRN. Saya juga menemukan ini Kuliah Estimasi kertas yang menyediakan kode MATLAB untuk pengujian filter Kalman dan saya Oktaf Versi kode yang sesuai ditunjukkan pada kotak kode di bawah.
clear all ;
1 ; % some function declarations
function [ x_pred , p_pred ] = predict( x , P , F , Q )
x_pred = F * x ;
p_pred = F * P *F' + Q ;
function [ nu , S ] = innovation( x_pred , p_pred , z , H , R )
nu = z - H * x_pred ; % innovation
S = H * p_pred * H' + R ; % innovation covariance
function [ x_new , p_new ] = innovation_update( x_pred , p_pred , nu , S , H )
K = p_pred * H' / S ; % Kalman gain
x_new = x_pred + K * nu ; % new state
p_new = p_pred - K * S * K' ; % new covariance
pkg load signal ; % for xcorr function
%%% Script to generate some "true" constant velocity data for later assessment
%%% Generates:
%%% x: the state history which evolves according to
%%% x(k+1) = Fx(k) + w(k)
%%% w: the process noise history (randomly generated)
%%% z: a set of observations on the state corrupted by noise
%%% v: the noise on each observation (randomly generated)
N = 100 ;
delT = 1 ;
F = [ 1 delT ;
0 1 ] ;
H = [ 1 0 ] ;
% process and measurement noise variances
sigma2Q = 0.01 ;
sigma2R = 0.1 ;
% process covariance matrix
Q = sigma2Q * [ delT/3 delT/2 ;
delT/2 delT ] ;
P = Q ;
R = sigma2R * [ 1 ] ;
x = zeros( 2 , N ) ;
w = zeros( 2 , N ) ;
z = zeros( 1 , N ) ;
v = zeros( 1 , N ) ;
for ii = 2 : N
w( : , ii ) = randn( 2 , 1 ) .* sigma2Q ; % generate process noise
x( : , ii ) = F * x( : , ii - 1 ) + w( : , ii ) ; % update state
v( : , ii ) = randn( 1 ) * R ; % generate measurement noise
z( : , ii ) = H * x( : , ii ) + v( : , ii ) ; % get "true" measurement
% visualise data
%figure( 1 ) ; plot( x( 1 , : ) , 'k' , 'linewidth' , 2 ) ;
%%% Script to generate some "true" constant acceleration data for later assessment
%%% Generates:
%%% x: the state history which evolves according to
%%% x(k+1) = Fx(k) + w(k)
%%% w: the process noise history (randomly generated)
%%% z: a set of observations on the state corrupted by noise
%%% v: the noise on each observation (randomly generated)
N = 100 ;
delT = 1 ;
F = [ 1 delT delT/2 ;
0 1 delT ;
0 0 1 ] ;
H = [ 1 0 0 ] ;
% process and measurement noise variances
sigma2Q = 0.01 ;
sigma2R = 0.1 ;
% process covariance matrix
Q = sigma2Q * [ delT/20 delT/8 delT/6 ;
delT/8 delT/3 delT/2 ;
delT/6 delT/2 delT ] ;
P = Q ;
R = sigma2R * [ 1 ] ;
x = zeros( 3 , N ) ;
w = zeros( 3 , N ) ;
z = zeros( 1 , N ) ;
v = zeros( 1 , N ) ;
for ii = 2 : N
w( : , ii ) = randn( 3 , 1 ) .* sigma2Q ; % generate process noise
x( : , ii ) = F * x( : , ii - 1 ) + w( : , ii ) ; % update state
v( : , ii ) = randn( 1 ) * R ; % generate measurement noise
z( : , ii ) = H * x( : , ii ) + v( : , ii ) ; % get "true" measurement
% visualise data
%figure( 1 ) ; plot( x( 1 , : ) , 'k' , 'linewidth' , 2 ) ;
%%% Octave script to assess Kalman filter performance
%%% The script assumes the existence of a vector z of
%%% noise corrupted observations
N = length( z ) ; % number of Klamn filter iterations
Qfactor = 1 ; % process noise mult factor
Rfactor = 1 ; % measurement noise mult factor
delT = 1 ; % time step
F = [ 1 delT ;
0 1 ] ; % update matrix
H = [ 1 0 ] ; % measurement matrix
sigmaQ = Qfactor * sqrt( 0.01 ) ;
sigmaR = Rfactor * sqrt( 0.1 ) ;
Q = sigmaQ^2 * [ 1/3 1/2 ;
1/2 1 ] ; % process noise covariance matrix
P = 10 * Q ;
R = sigmaR^2 * [ 1 ] ; % measurement noise covariance
% allocate space prior to loop
xhat = zeros( 2 , N ) ; % state estimate
nu = zeros( 1 , N ) ; % innovation
S = zeros( 1 , N ) ; % innovation (co)variance
q = zeros( 1 , N ) ; % normalised innovation squared
for ii = 2 : N
% predict using update matrix F and updated values of P and Q from previous ii loop
% x_pred is the prediction of state values
% p_pred is the prediction of the covariance matrix P given previous P and Q
[ x_pred , p_pred ] = predict( xhat( : , ii - 1 ) , P , F , Q ) ;
% measurement
% "nu" is difference between predicted values and measured values of the states,
% given the measurement matrix H and measurement noise R
% "S" is a measurement of how the covariance matrix P is predicted to have changed
% during the above prediction step, given that this cannot actually be known or
% directly measured as not all the underlying state changes can be directly measured.
[ nu( : , ii ) , S( : , ii ) ] = innovation( x_pred , p_pred , z( ii ) , H , R ) ; % orig
% update step updates the state estimates and covariance matrix P using the Kalman gain,
% which is internally calculated in the "innovation_update" function
[ xhat( : , ii ) , P ] = innovation_update( x_pred , p_pred , nu( : , ii ) , S( : , ii ) , H ) ;
% q is just a record keeping vector for later analysis of normalised innovation squared
q( : , ii ) = nu( : , ii )' * inv( S( : , ii ) ) * nu( : , ii ) ;
sumQ = sum( q ) ; % determine Sum q which is Chiˆ2 on N d.o.f.
r = xcorr( nu ) ; % get autocorrealtion of innovation
% plot state and state estimate
subplot( 2 , 2 , 1 ) ; plot( x( 1 , : ) , 'k' , 'linewidth' , 2 , xhat( 1 , : ) , 'r' , 'linewidth' , 2 ) ;
title( 'State and State Esimate' ) ;legend( 'State' , 'State Estimate' ) ;
% plot innovation and 2sigma confidence interval
subplot( 2 , 2 , 2 ) ; plot( nu , 'b' , 'linewidth' , 2 , 2 * sqrt( S ) , 'r' , -2 * sqrt( S ) , 'r' , ...
zeros(1,N) , 'r.' , 'linewidth' , 1 ) ;
title( 'Innovation and 2sigma confidence intervals' ) ; legend( 'Innovation' , '2Sigma Levels' ) ;
% plot normalised innovation squared
subplot( 2 , 2 , 3 ) ; plot( q , 'k' , 'linewidth' , 2 , mean( q ) .* ones( 1 , N ) , 'r' , 'linewidth' , 2 ) ;
title( 'Normalised innovation squared' ) ;
% plot autocorrelation of innovation (normalised)
subplot( 2 , 2 , 4 ) ; plot( r( N : 2 * N - 1 ) / r( N ) , 'k' , 'linewidth' , 2 , zeros(1,N) , 'k.' , 'linewidth' , 1 ) ;
title( 'Autocorrelation of innovation (normalised)' ) ;
Segera saya akan menggunakan kode ini, mungkin dengan beberapa tambahan, untuk menguji berbagai Model kinematik implementasi filter Kalman pada deret waktu keuangan dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi model mana yang cocok atau tidak.
Lebih banyak lagi dalam waktu dekat.