Di kotak kode di bawah ini saya memberikan kode untuk Filter Kalman yang diperluas untuk memodelkan gelombang sinus. Ini adalah gabungan kode dari beberapa kotak peralatan yang saya temukan online, yaitu mempelajari-filter-kalman-yang-diperluas dan Kotak Tol EKF/UKF untuk Matlab/OctaveKeadaan yang dimodelkan adalah fase, frekuensi sudut, dan amplitudo gelombang sinus, sedangkan pengukurannya adalah nilai gelombang sinus (berisik) itu sendiri.
clear all ;
function x_n = ekf_sine_f( x )
% Dynamical model function for the sine signal.
% Takes the input vector of phase, angular frequency in radians and
% amplitude and calculates the next values of the states given the
% current vector.
% transition matrix
A = [ 1 1 0 ; % phase in Rads
0 1 0 ; % angular_freq_rads
0 0 1 ] ; % amplitude
x_n = A * x ;
x_n( 1 ) = mod( x_n( 1 ) , 2 * pi ) ;
function Y = ekf_sine_h( x )
% Measurement model function for the sine signal.
% Takes the input vector of phase, angular frequency and amplitude and
% calculates the current value of the sine given the input vector.
f = x( 1 , : ) ; % phase in radians
a = x( 3 , : ) ; % amplitude
Y = a .* sin( f ) ; % the sine
function [ z , A ] = jacobian_transition( fun , x )
z = fun( x ) ;
A = [ 1 1 0 ;
0 1 0 ;
0 0 1 ] ;
function [ z , A ] = jacobian_measurement( fun , x )
z = fun( x ) ;
A = [ x( 3 ) * cos( x( 1 ) ) 0 sin( x( 1 ) ) ] ;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Generate a sine wave %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
pkg load statistics ;
load all_snr ;
load all_hmm_periods_daily ;
N = 250 ; % total dynamic steps i.e.length of data to generate
[ gen_period , gen_states ] = hmmgenerate( N , transprobest , outprobest ) ;
gen_period = gen_period .+ hmm_min_period_add ;
angular_freq_rads = ( 2 * pi ) ./ gen_period ;
real_phase = cumsum( angular_freq_rads ) ; real_phase = mod( real_phase , 2 * pi ) ;
gen_sine = sin( real_phase ) ;
noise_val = mean( [ all_snr(:,1) ; all_snr(:,2) ] ) ;
my_sine_noisy = awgn( gen_sine , noise_val ) ;
f = @ekf_sine_f ;
h = @ekf_sine_h ;
n = 3 ; % number of states - phase, angular frequency and amplitude
Q = eye( n ) ; % matrix for covariance of process
Q( 1 , 1 ) = var( real_phase ) ;
Q( 2 , 2 ) = var( angular_freq_rads ) ;
Q( 3 , 3 ) = var( sqrt(2) * sqrt( mean( my_sine_noisy.^2 ) ) ) ;
Q = 1 .* Q ; % scale the covariance matrix, a tunable factor ?
R = var( gen_sine .- my_sine_noisy ) ; % measurement noise variance
% initial state
s = [ real_phase( 6 ) ; % phase ( Rads )
mean( angular_freq_rads( 1 : 20 ) ) ; % angular_freq_rads
sqrt(2) * sqrt( mean( my_sine_noisy( 1 : 20 ).^2 ) ) ] ; % amplitude
P = eye( n ) ; % initial state covariance
% allocate memory
xV = zeros( n , N ) ; % record estmates of states
sV = ones( 1 , N ) ; % real amplitudes
pV1 = zeros( n , N ) ; % projection measurments
pV2 = zeros( n , N ) ; % projection measurments
pV3 = zeros( n , N ) ; % projection measurments
for k = 7 : N
z = my_sine_noisy( k ) ; % noisy measurement of sine
% do ekf
[ x1 , A ] = jacobian_transition( f , s ) ; % nonlinear update and linearisation at current state
P = A * P * A' + Q ; % partial update
[ z1 , H ] = jacobian_measurement( h , x1 ) ; % nonlinear measurement and linearisation
P12 = P * H' ; % cross covariance
R = chol( H * P12 + R ) ; % Cholesky factorisation
U = P12 / R ; % K = U / R' ; Faster because of back substitution
s = x1 + U * ( R' ( z - z1 ) ) ; % Back substitution to get state update
P = P - U * U' ; % Covariance update, U * U' = P12 / R / R' * P12' = K * P12
xV( : , k ) = s ; % save estimated updated states
pV1( : , k ) = s ; pV1( 1 , k ) = pV1( 1 , k ) + pV1( 2 , k ) ; % for plotting
pV2( : , k ) = s ; pV2( 1 , k ) = pV2( 1 , k ) + 2*pV2( 2 , k ) ; % for plotting
pV3( : , k ) = s ; pV3( 1 , k ) = pV3( 1 , k ) + 3*pV3( 2 , k ) ; % for plotting
% Plotting
figure(1) ; subplot(3,1,1) ; plot( real_phase , 'k', 'linewidth' , 2 , xV( 1 , : ) , 'r' , 'linewidth' , 2 ) ; grid minor on ;
title( 'Phase State' ) ; legend( 'Actual Phase State' , 'Estimated Phase Sate' ) ; ylabel( 'Radians' ) ;
figure(1) ; subplot(3,1,2) ; plot(angular_freq_rads, 'k', 'linewidth' , 2 , xV(2,:), 'r' , 'linewidth' , 2 ) ; grid minor on ;
title( 'Angular Frequency State in Radians' ) ; legend( 'Actual Angular Frequency' , 'Estimated Angular Frequency' ) ;
figure(1) ; subplot(3,1,3) ; plot( sV , 'k', 'linewidth' , 1 , xV(3,:), 'r' , 'linewidth' , 2 ) ; grid minor on ;
title( 'Amplitude State' ) ; legend( 'Actual Amplitude' , 'Estimated Amplitude' ) ;
sine_est = h( xV ) ;
sine_1 = h( pV1 ) ; sine_1 = shift( sine_1 , 1 ) ;
sine_2 = h( pV2 ) ; sine_2 = shift( sine_2 , 2 ) ;
sine_3 = h( pV3 ) ; sine_3 = shift( sine_3 , 3 ) ;
figure(2) ; plot( gen_sine , 'k' , 'linewidth' , 2 , my_sine_noisy , '*b' , 'linewidth' , 2 , sine_est , 'r' , 'linewidth' , 2 ) ;
title( 'Underlying and its Estimate' ) ; legend( 'Real Underlying Sine' , 'Noisy Measured Sine' , 'EKF Estimate of Real Underlying Sine' ) ;
figure(3) ; plot( gen_sine , 'k' , 'linewidth' , 2 , sine_1 , 'r' , 'linewidth' , 2 , sine_2 , 'g' , 'linewidth' , 2 , sine_3 , 'b' , 'linewidth' , 2 ) ;
title( 'Plot of the actual sine wave vs projected estimated sines' ) ;
legend( 'Actual' , 'EKF Projected 1' , 'EKF Projected 2' , 'EKF Projected 3' ) ;
Plot keluaran yang umum adalah status
estimasi yang difilter
dan bergeser, proyeksi masa depan menggunakan estimasi keadaan saat ini
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